Data science lab is conducting research and development on real world electronic multi-lingual data with cutting edge methodologies, specially for Pakistan and developing Asia. The focus of the Data Science Lab is to bridge the gap from academia, society and industry and allow students and researchers to work on real-world Data.

DSL provides research positions for individuals who think ‘out of the box’ and apply their knowledge for setting new performance and innovation benchmarks. We actively seek motivated candidates to conduct research in projects involving Natural Language Processing based Text, Image and Speech Processing.

DSL also provides research internship opportunities for students who are interested in development of text/speech corpus and other linguistic resources like lexica, frequency lists and cleaning, annotation of text/speech corpus at phonological, syntactic and semantic layers. Willing to work on advanced lexical semantic resources like WordNet, VerbNet, PropBank, etc.

To find out more
or to become a part of the excelling community of DSL contact us or send your CV to: [email protected].